Breast Implants Recalled due to Lymphoma Risk
The association between textured breast implants and Breast Implant Associated Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma (BIA-ALCL) has been known andclosely monitored…
Read MoreWith a family of boys, I am constantly addressing their playground falls and driveway-skinned knees. My living room is an MMA octagon and their bunk bed a launching pad. I…
As of their official statement last week, the FDA has decided not the ban the textured implants. Due to safety concerns most plastic surgeons have stopped placing them when it can be avoided, but what about patients who already have the implants in place? I have had many patients ask for my opinion about whether to have an additional operation to change out their implants.
I never had the opportunity to meet Dr Uzma Yunus, but I feel like I know her. I believe what made her writing so popular with her readers was her…